No one should doubt that we are living in a new age and time. Our country and our world is changing very rapidly. Some for the better but much that should show us that our Lord’s return is becoming closer and closer each day. The Bible tells us to watch and be sober that that day does not come upon us a thief in the night. How do we stay sober? By knowing, studying, and meditating on the word of God rightly dividing the truth of God. We are to “Know – Share – Love the Truth” and by doing so we will have the right witness to share with those who either have never been exposed to it or ignored it or just may not want to hear it. But it is our given command – a personal command given to us by the Lord Jesus Christ to reach out to a lost and dying world. The Bible warns us that when we see peace and safety in our world – to be ready and to watch for the Day of the Lord is drawing near.
Is that Day on the horizon? I can’t say for certain. Jesus Himself when He was on earth told His disciples that He did not know that day – on God Himself. Regardless, we are told to be ready. None of us knows when God will call us home. We are surrounded today by sin – in so many ways. Our young people and children are exposed to so much through the media and technology and it is used for good but so much of the time for evil. Liberal Colleges and Universities are no longer teaching truth, but what teaching what they world has to offer. It is no longer “what can you do for your country” – it is all about “what your country owes you.” Selfishness, drugs, sexual perversion, and all manner of evil exists today, and it is blatantly exposed and exploited to young sensitive minds. Satan has more tools at his disposal today than ever before and so many are falling directly into his traps – falling head on with eyes wide open. As the world becomes more advanced by technology, so we have become sophisticated in our sin. Sin is no longer done is private but is exposed openly without shame or embarrassment. That is why our world is heading for disaster – unless Christians begin to take a stand for the Truth of God’s Word and are willing to endure the chilling and difficult response from those who are against Christianity and it views of the truth, Christians and our desire to share those truths, and any who stand in the way of their “progressive agenda.”
But our job has not and will not change. God has called us as Christians to Himself and His Truth. Jesus Christ died because He was the Truth, and men did not want the Truth because it exposed their evil. That has not changed. More than ever, today people would rather live a lie than know and live the Truth – the Only Truth – the Word of God. But again, our job has not changed from the beginning because the Truth has not changed. It will not change ever and one day the Truth will return to make all things True again as they were meant to be from the beginning. He will conquer death for all who believe – truly believe and have accepted Him as their Lord and Savior. We don’t know how far away that day is – but each of us is required to be about the Lord’s business. We are told to walk in the day because there will come a day when this world will be completely dark, and we will no longer have that Light to walk in. We do know however that as Christians we have the Light of Christ in us, and we are to walk in His light daily. And as we walk in the Light as He is in the Light His blood cleanses us from all unrighteousness. Then as we walk in the Light of God’s word we are also an example to all who may not believe. and our light can expose God’s word to them for salvation as God uses that to expose to them their own sin and their need to repent while there is still the Day. We still have the freedom in this country to share the true freedom that comes by knowing the Lord Jesus Christ and having a personal relationship with Him.
Our prayer is that each of us will have that same desire – the will power – the patient endurance – the understanding of God’s truth so that we can do His will – regardless.
God didn’t give us His truth to keep to ourselves – even though He told us to “hide His word in our heart that we might not sin against Him” – that truth itself is worth sharing with those who are living a lie and have never met the Savior that can set them free from their sin and their guilt.
Let us strive to be about the Lord’s business – to do the work of an evangelist regardless of how much spiritual knowledge that we think we don’t have – if you are a Christian – that is enough.
To share what God has done for you is all you need to know. We have not much time – none of us know what tomorrow may bring. Sickness and disease are everywhere – who knows when it may be our turn or a loved one’s. Our neighbors, friends, and loved ones need the truth – we may be their only source of that truth – their only opportunity to see and hear the truth. Let us go and do what the Lord has commanded us to do. We want to be “good and faithful servants who are called into the presence of the Lord” when our time comes. Let’s not waste our limited time that we have.